Business Founded

May 11, 1937

Business Founded

Precast Concrete was first registered on 11 May 1937 by Stuart Faulkner. It is understood the business was situated in the wharf area before moving to it’s current premises at Maclaggan Street.

Change of Owners

October 25, 1957

On 25 of October 1957, the ownership of Precast Concrete changed. Brothers Allan and Ken Warnock became only the second owners after 20 years of trading. Allen and Ken owned and operated the business until their retirement in 1981.

Change of Owner

December 17, 1984

Roy Evans became the third owner of Precast Concrete. Roy operated the business, again for over 20 years, setting yet another example of the business’ ability to adapt and evolve by introducing our large range of sumps to the market. Roy retired in 2007.

Change of Owner

January 1, 2007

In 2007, Murray Hosking became the fourth owner of Precast Concrete and the most recent owner before our purchase of the business in 2016.

Current Owner Takes Possession

June 1, 2016

Richard Daggar becomes the latest owner of this proud 80 year old business. Richard plans to build on the solid foundations that have been laid before him bringing more options and products to the market promoting the custom items. With new branding unveiled already there is new life being breathed into this historic Dunedin business.

“Cut out the middle-man and buy direct from the manufacturer!”

Precast Concrete Dunedin


78 Maclaggan Street Dunedin 9016

PO Box  7093, Dunedin 9040


Contact Us

Phone:  (03) 477 2254

Richard:  0211 850 580

78 Maclaggan Street, Dunedin 9016

PO Box 7093, Dunedin 9040